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Share a Ride -- Don't Miss Out!
If you are missing many of Okinawa's top events because you cannot find a ride, do not have a car or cannot afford to take a taxi, you are not alone. However, the truth of the matter is you can afford a taxi ride if you are willing to plan ahead and carpool with a few of your friends.

There are a few taxi companies you can call and speak to in English that will come and pick you up. Taxi Company Okito has been at work training its drivers in English conversation to raise their level of service for English-speaking customers. This eradicates the difficulty of trying to explain your destination to drivers who cannot speak English.

Analyze the table supplementing this article, and you will see that a taxi ride can be an affordable, relaxing convenience if shared between yourself and a few friends. There is no need to miss many of the finest events held on island and, more importantly, no need to drink and drive. Don't let your transportation woes force you to miss what Okinawa has to offer.

Also, if you are commuting to or from a military base, please make sure that your cab has a written sign saying, "Authorized On Base." The following authorized taxi companies provide pick-up services from the bases:

Okito Taxi(0120) 21-5005English Available (Toll Free)
(098) 946-5005English Available
Meiho Taxi(098) 937-2467English Available
Sanyo Taxi(098) 936-7027English Not Available
Futaba Taxi(098) 898-2028English Not Available
Toho Taxi(098) 936-6393English Not Available

Estimated Taxi Fares (Okito Taxi)
Location A to BTotal FarePrice per Person (Group of 4)
Kadena to Naha¥4,500¥1,125
Foster to Naha¥3,500¥875
Kinser to Naha¥2,000¥500
* Price per person is total fare split between 4 people. Share a ride!

Distance-based Taxi Fare System
Taxi Size1st 1.8 kmAdditional FareAdditional Rate
Medium¥450Every additional 411m¥70
Small¥440Every additional 407m¥60

Articles about Taxi:
  Taxis to Raise Starting Fare to ¥500 - 2006 November
Transportation (7)
Driving in Okinawa

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